Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is that side of research that allows us to be able to make various conclusions about certain populations (National) , or a specific niche of business product users – within a certain margin of error, based on pre-determined framed sample of that population.

Quantitative research is probably the type of research that we are most familiar with

In ICR we conduct the three primary methods of surveying, telephone, mail and web-based surveys, as well as in-person interviews and telephone/web survey combination surveys.


One-on-One (Face-to-Face) Depth Interviews

One-on-one depth interviews have become much more popular in recent years, as an alternative to focus groups. The difference, of course, is that only one respondent is interviewed at a time. There are several reasons why one-on-one depth interviews can have advantages over focus groups:

The respondent is not influenced by the need to conform to group norms or to avoid embarrassment for "unusual" responses.

The respondent is the sole focus of the interviewer's attention and therefore is more likely to open up.

Because of the intense involvement of the interviewer, the respondent is highly focused and therefore yields richer data, more to the point of the study.

Other types of interviews are brief, and in a focus group each individual has a very limited amount of time to speak. In a depth interview, the respondent has 30 or more minutes to talk about the topic.


Branding and Competitive Assessment Research

These studies assess and track brand esteem, brand awareness and brand associations. Strong brands start with high levels of awareness relative to the competition. With high awareness companies can create strong brand associations in the minds of customers. In these studies we use both qualitative and quantitative techniques to identify the most important brand associations – or purchase factors.

Key Questions Answered:

- What is our brand's level of awareness compared with competitor brands?

- Which competitors "own" the most important brand associations?

- What is the level of loyalty among our customers?

- What are the factors that are creating, or hurting, customer loyalty?

- What is the level of overall brand esteem among the key competitors?

- What are the areas that needs to be improved in order to increase the esteem of our brand?


Brand Identity Concept Testing & Development

These studies are comprehensive, entailing several methodologies and a close consultant-client partnership. This type of study is undertaken either when a company needs to create a new brand identity for itself (i.e., a new company or product) or re-create its brand identity in order to strengthen its competitive position.

Key Questions Answered:

- How is our brand currently perceived?

- What is the optimum position for our brand?

- What is the level of loyalty among our customers?

- What are the factors that are creating, or hurting, customer loyalty?

- What is best message to communicate to create this position?

- What words and images will best communicate this message?


Lost Customer Analysis

Reducing customer churn is one of the most critical aspects of a company's ability to maintain solid ROI in its sales and marketing operations. Depending on the industry, it costs anywhere from twice as much to 10 times as much to gain a new customer as it does to retain a current one. Thus, it is imperative that companies keep customer churn to a minimum.

Key Questions Answered:

- Why are customers leaving?

- What were we not offering that we should have?

- What aspect of our offerings were deficient?

- What are the primary things we can be doing to keep our customers?

- Techniques Focus groups/Triads/One-on-one Interviews

- Telephone, mail or web surveying

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